Using the initial outputs from the acoustic data, we planned a suite of video tows and grab stations. We prioritised these video tows just in case the inclement weather returned, so that these could be carried out at the locations of the pockmarks and more importantly where there have been previous data gathered for the submarine structures made by leaking gases.
In the afternoon we started off with camera work, consisting of a series of video camera tows with still images being taken at regular intervals. The images below show a snapshot of the wildlife that we saw at these survey locations. We found evidence of carbonate structures on the seabed in some of the pockmarks, as well as a range of animals living on the seabed, including seapens, hermit crabs, angler fish and wolf fish. On one of the tows, a large shoal of saithe appeared, making seeing the seabed quite challenging.
Muddy sediment with the Phosphorescent seapen (Pennatula phosphorea) and starfish
Angler fish (Lophius piscatorius)
Saithe (Pollachius virens)
Spot the Wolf fish (Anarhichas lupus)
Carbonate structures on the seabed