On 22nd April 2016,
JNCC participated on a six day multidisciplinary seabed survey with Cefas,
Northumberland Inshore Fisheries and Conservation Authority (IFCA) and Natural
England. The four organisations worked together on the Research Vessel (RV)
Cefas Endeavour with the aim of undertaking a detailed ecological study of soft
sediments within, and immediately adjacent to, the Coquet to St Mary’s MCZ, which
was designated on 17th January 2016. The site is located along
the Northumberland coast in the north east of England, and covers 192 km
of intertidal and offshore waters from near Whitley Bay in the south to near
Alnwick in the north.
A huge amount of data from this inshore site was collected using different survey
equipment, from grabs to seabed cameras, which highlights the benefits and
value for money that can be gained by undertaking collaborative work in an area
where data collection can be expensive.
In terms of the survey equipment deployed,
we used a NIOZ box corer and Day grab (pictured below) to collect sediment and macrofauna
(biological) samples to find out what communities are living within the seabed,
also known as the ‘infauna’. We also took images of the seabed to help
understand the range of organisms living on top of the sediment (the
‘epifauna’), and increase our understanding of the habitats across the wider area. To
this end, we conducted video tows and collected still images with a drop camera
(also pictured below).
NIOZ box corer being deployed during the night shift (left); Day grab containing a sample collected from the area of study (right). Both images © Yolanda Arjona/JNCC 2016.
Nowadays, the technology onboard
these research vessels is really advanced, giving us the option to collect a large
quantity of high quality information revealing what’s under the sea. For
example, we collected data using a
Sediment Profile Imagery (SPI) camera to
take still images from the first 15cm of the sediment. An example image from
the SPI camera is shown below.
SPI camera being deployed (left) © Yolanda Arjona/JNCC 2016; SPI image showing redox layer and two burrowing annelids (right) © Cefas/Natural England 2016
Drop camera onboard
the RV Cefas Endeavour © Yolanda
Arjona/JNCC 2016
We worked hard to collect all the information required at the 65 sampling stations (105 Day grab samples, 54 drop camera tows, 48 NIOZ core samples and 10 SPI camera images), despite encountering some bad weather. However, we also had plenty of nice surprises during the survey…
example, on the third day of the survey a nudibranch, preliminarily
identified as
Polycera faeroensis (see
picture below), was found in a Day grab sample collected at a depth of 48m! We
were amazed, and shared the finding with the rest of the crew, many of whom had
never seen a nudibranch before.

Nudibranch (left), thought to be
Polycera faeroensis, found in a Day grab sample from 48m in subtidal sand © Mike Young 2016; Circular Crab (
Atelecyclus rotundatus) (right) in mixed sediment © Yolanda Arjona/JNCC 2016
The seabed habitats protected at this site includes rock, sand, mud, mixed and coarse sediment. This range of habitats provides home for a large variety of life. For example, we spotted brittlestars, burrowing anemones, starfish, sponges, crabs, prawns and fish on this survey, some of which are pictured below!
Camera images showing a swimming crab (left)
(thought to be Portunidae sp.), and dead
men’s fingers (Alcyonium digitatum) and an anemone (right) © CEFAS / Natural England 2016
wants to thank all the staff onboard the RV Cefas Endeavour, and all the scientists
involved, for the opportunity to participate in this interesting and
enjoyable collaborative survey with Natural England, Northumberland IFCA and
See you soon!
Yolanda Arjona
Marine Protected Areas Support Officer